Where to from here?

The 2012 National Elections has passed and a new government has been formed. The parliament has now been boosted with the inclusion of some very experienced and respected citizens of the state, but we can just say "let see how they perform in this term". Madang has new faces in the likes of Madang Open Member and Police Minister Hon. Nixon Duban and Member for Usino Bundi Anton Yagama. Welcoming back two  former politicians are Hon. Tommy Tomscoll (Middle Ramu) and now Madang Governor Hon. Jim Kas. With them include returning members Hon. John Hickey (Bogia), Ken Fairweather (Sumkar) and James Gau (Rai coast).

So where is the journey from here now? Madang people have been so far spectators and observers in their own land. We see big multi million dollar deals being signed and are underway like the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone and Ramu Nickel Mine. Japan and New Guinea Timber (JANT) company has been operating since the 1970s. So far, the Madang Provicial Government (MPG) has played a small role in the planning and implementation of these projects when it should have played a major role in being the voice of the people. The MPG should now review the agreements in which these investors made with the government and push for greater equity for the people in the impact areas. So far the PMIZ has revealed many loopholes and corrupt dealings which the very people in the impacted area are not aware of. 

Another thing is that the entire Madang Provincial Administration is almost stagnant and seem to be defunct at most times. Much of the money is eaten up by these group of people who prefer to purchase landcruisers rather than sealing the roads that damage landcruisers. Health centres in the rural outskirts are closed (seen these places myself), funds politically approved for certain development projects in the province have been parked and remain idle in the treasury because of a few people refusing to tender the projects. There should be a total audit on the Madang Provicial Administration performance and may be revamp of the entire structure to create a more robust and efficient public service. 

We do not want people in the government who want to just 'get by' in their jobs, but we want passionate and hardworking citizens who would work to serve the people. This is not just for the political office holders, but the administration as well. There is no time to play the blame game, it is time to determine where Madang moves, will we move forward, remain idle or move backwards?      


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