When Anxiety Kicks in...

Ever had those moments when you feel that you just do not know what will happen next? Well, for many people who are at a stage of transition from one phase in life to another there is bound to be that unpleasant surreal feeling. Take final year students for instance (primary, secondary and tertiary), they apply out to their desired institutions that they want to go, they believe they have done enough to secure a place or position, or may be they have lost faith in themselves...whatever the feeling (you would know what I'm talking about). And then there are small hiccups that aggravate the situation, not necessarily relating to the build up of the anxiety but little incidents or delays that would make one more than nervous or wanting to give up. 

These are little testers in life that can either bring the best out of a person, or drive the person to the brink of, or perhaps outright failure. And there is this saying "There's a light at the end of the tunnel" however some smart lyricist up the anti by writing "...but the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't shine at the end of the day", how demotivating? Is life meant to be this way, or is it "just the way it is" as tupac declared? 

Whether we see red or blue, black or white, green meadows or a sight for an eyesore; it boils down to how we (as rational beings) perceive the future, especially when there is the element of uncertainty and doubt. The downside of having such perceptions is that psychologically it plays a fundamental part in shaping the outcome, if you feel jaded or degraded; that psychological hopelessness contributes greatly to making the outcome exactly as you would expect. For instance, there is this grade 12 student who wishes to go to university, however he feels that he will not make the GPA cut off mark (although he is an above average student) and so he does not apply, later he finds out that he exceeds the cut off mark, and worse, a friend of his that did not meet the cut off mark makes it to that university, that in itself is painfully regretful. 

What I am pointing out here is that negative perceptions can influence the outcome. I am not saying we do not pay attention to our senses, rather we must take hold and control our thoughts, build a positive relationship with reality and our psychological conscience so there is harmony in the mind and reality. Too often one would indulge in negativity and the odds of taking a chance. Having an optimistic mindset and a desire to achieve that aim creates that conducive environment to actually realising your potential, or achieving the desired outcome.        


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