The True Degree Woman of Enamira

Written by Nathan Matbob

Literally with nothing she walks with into diwai
No cargo, no change, no suitcase
But the clothes on her back, mobile phone and an old copra sack sling bag
3 weeks late into semester one
Determined with the will to learn she perseveres
Not a single word of complain

Hardened by her past
She shuns not at the opportunity to learn
Though being the last born
She has had no support
Makes it through first year alone
Not a single word of complain

Following year big bro comes along
Excited at the prospect
She sweated to bring him over
The application, approval, transportation
She arranges with love for big bro
And still not a single word of complain

Big bro is a mighty knight with pen and ink
Brings to life his taughts on a blog
Stirs controversy and raises eyebrows
He’s on top of the world
She warns him of the threats
He spats at her and calls her a dog
Threatens to kill her and her redskin dog
She backs off and lets him be
Not saying a single word of complain

He ups the anti
Ridiculing her on his blog
His own blood sister
The one who brought him to diwai
The one who ensures his school fees are paid
The one who makes sure he has pocket money
The very one who literally brought big bro to diwai
And yet, she makes no single word of complain

And now this degree woman of Enamira
The last born of the family
Is about to complete her final year
And be the first in the family to obtain a degree
A feat big bro should have achieved ages ago
Yet, she ushers no word of boastfulness
Tells no one of her achievements let alone no one knows her struggles
And still, not a single word of complain

diwai- Divine Word University, Madang 


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