My Thoughts on the Parliament Kitchen Cabinet

The informal economy of PNG is a thriving sector, it is a sector which has the potential to boost and drive the entire economy of PNG. We can talk about mining and its huge benefits, but in the long run, it is unsustainable.  Here are just some ideas I came up with of creating some ministerial portfolios which I believe would address the formal and informal economy domestically in PNG. I suggest that there should be three more ministries added to the current number of ministries in the parliament’s executive arm of government. Just as well, I also propose an idea to abolish a ministry which I believe is a waste of public money to keep it functioning. These are just view points from my thoughts.

The Ministry for Internal Migration and Settlements
Being that internal migration will become an issue for development in Papua New Guinea, it is important that there should be a ministry set up to address this. We are now seeing the effects of settlement problems in the urban centres all throughout the country.

This ministry will be tasked to monitor and control the domestic migration and settlements alone, so as to avoid the buildup of illegal settlements, thus; causing land disputes and costly eviction exercises.

It is inevitable that the issues of settlement and internal migration will become a challenge as modernization has brought a gradual influx of rural migrants into major centres throughout PNG. All the more, the centralization of service delivery (mostly in urban areas) has made this trend become more of a problem then a challenge, and I believe that if the government does not address the issue of internal migration and settlements in due time; it will spill over into other sectors and hinder development.
Ministry for Infrastructural Development and Maintenance (to replace or merge with the department of works and civil aviation)
There should be a ministry that is mandated to address infrastructural maintenance alone, and with the defunct works department; there should be a whole revamp of the capacity of this department.

I believe the Defense Force should also be allowed to have a hand in this ministry as a means to train the capacity and increase efficiency and effectiveness of the Papua New Guinea Defense Force. In this way, the military can be economically and constructively utilized to assist in the development of infrastructure of this nation. And as well it increases the outreach of the PNGDF right throughout the country and at the same time keeps them active in peace times.

Ministry for Domestic Informal Economy
Since 85% of PNG’s economy is made up of the informal sector, it is important to stimulate economic activity in this sector in order to build the domestic economy. At the moment the Ministry for Agriculture is tasked to look after agriculture and this has led to the continual disengagement of the rural sector economy.

This sector should not only look at lucrative cash crop produce (coffee, cocoa, copra, etc), but facilitate and create local markets for local producers right throughout out the nation. Locally produced goods will be provided markets internally and externally so that this stimulates subsistence agriculture and therefore I believe will encourage mass production of locally produced goods. In other words, help local people sell their produce by facilitating or creating markets both domestic and international.

This will ensure the continuity of subsistence agriculture, but with a modernized intention of creating wealth for the informal sector economy. From this we can ensure the participation of the informal sector in the development of PNG’s domestic economy.  

Abolishment of the Ministry Assisting the Prime Minister
There should be an abolishment of the Ministry Assisting the Prime Minister. I believe this ministry is using up much needed funds and as well it undermines the function of the Deputy Prime Minister’s position. The functions of the Ministry Assisting the Prime Minister seems to overlap the role of the Deputy PM, hence it should be abolished as it is a waste of money to sustain such a ministry.

These are just ideas which I have cooked up in my head as a thinker and a concerned citizen at heart. The underlying intention of these points of views is to stir up conversations and criticism so that I we can better understand and be more rational in thinking. I would welcome any ideas, comments or criticisms. 


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