My Thoughts on the Parliament Kitchen Cabinet
The informal economy of PNG is a thriving sector, it is a sector which has the potential to boost and drive the entire economy of PNG. We can talk about mining and its huge benefits, but in the long run, it is unsustainable. Here are just some ideas I came up with of creating some ministerial portfolios which I believe would address the formal and informal economy domestically in PNG. I suggest that there should be three more ministries added to the current number of ministries in the parliament’s executive arm of government. Just as well, I also propose an idea to abolish a ministry which I believe is a waste of public money to keep it functioning. These are just view points from my thoughts. The Ministry for Internal Migration and Settlements Being that internal migration will become an issue for development in Papua New Guinea, it is important that there should be a ministry set up to address this. We are now seeing the effects of settlement problems in the urban centr...